Lending Successful

Refrigeration & Farm Store Setup

by Horse Shoe Ranch
Refrigeration & Farm Store Setup

A small farm with great demand for their product, they aim to setup a farm store to better provide their community with access to locally grown foods.

Project Summary
  • Location: Fredericksburg, PA
  • Products: Fruit & Vegetable Livestock Poultry
  • Target Raise: $5,000
  • Loan Term: 60 months
  • Interest Rate: 8.00% APR
  • Repayments Begin: 3 months after disbursement
100% of $5,000

Funded on 07/28/2020


Horse Shoe Ranch is seeking a loan from Steward to expand their refrigeration capacity and to setup a farm store in town. The COVID pandemic has led to an increase in demand for their products and they are actively growing veggies, livestock, and eggs to continue to supply their community. Owners Bryan and Brittany are currently doing local deliveries and their farm store will help expand their direct sales.

Regenerative & Sustainable Practices

Horse Shoe Ranch raises hens for eggs and slow-grow chickens for meat. All birds are raised on pasture.

  • Chickens are fed a non-GMO, chemical-free feed, and able to scratch & peck in the grass to forage for seeds and bugs.
  • Mobile coops move across the field giving the hens a constant supply of fresh grass, bugs, and seeds making them truly pasture-raised.

The farm also grows organic vegetables and produce value-added products like salsa and ketchup for direct sale.

Steward Comments

We visited Bryan & Brittany's farm in 2019 and were really impressed with their energy and farming knowledge. They have the attitude and experience to continue growing a successful, sustainable farm.

Loan Agreement Download

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