Fully Repaid

Rose Mountain Terracing

by Rose Mountain Farm
Rose Mountain Terracing

Adding terraced beds will increase growing area and season extension, tripling produce production.

Project Summary
  • Location: Lansing, NC
  • Products: Bees Forestry Fruit & Vegetable Livestock
  • Loan Term: 60 months
  • Interest Rate: 8.00% APR
  • Repayments Begin: 3 months after disbursement
100% of $20,000

Funded on 03/23/2021


Rose Mountain Farm is situated in the valley of Big Horse Creek, North Carolina. They produce mixed veggies and pastured pigs. This business loan will triple the farm's growing area and extend their growing season.

Use of Funds

Given the steep slope of most mountain properties, terracing is needed. Additionally, adding a second high tunnel and four caterpillar tunnels will extend farm production and allow for bringing on a part-time employee. With the expanded area and extended season, they will add a second Saturday market and diversif their crop mix with new vegetable varieties.

Accessing a Steward loan for this expansion will allow Rose Mountain's project to move forward more quickly and smoothly, providing the financial capacity to hire a few hands when construction requires and expand their markets. Bulldozing for the terracing is expensive and it needs to be done all in one visit, so that owner Ann Rose does not have to endure the cost of equipment transportation more than once. Her reason for wanting to work with Steward was because of their business model and her ability to invite her community to particpate in the growth and success of her farm business. 

Regenerative & Sustainable Practices

  • Integrated pasture management using livestock
  • Undisturbed mature forest maintained on the property
  • Elderberry, ninebark, and red twig line the springs for erosion protection
  • Pastures are cross-fenced to support livestock rotation

Steward Comments

Steward is excited to partner with Ann Rose to help her expand production and grow her farm business. Rose Mountain Farm serves their local community through C.S.A. shares and weekly markets. We have been impressed with their attention to detail while planning this project and are excited to see how Rose Mountain Farm can flourish with a flexible business loan. 

  • February 11, 2025

    Full Loan Repayment - Thank You For Your Support

    We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you that Rose Mountain Farm will be paying off their Steward Loan in full later this week. Owner-operator Ann Rose is incredibly grateful for your support and belief in her farm. You will be receiving your final payment of outstanding principal and interest in your Steward Wallet shortly.

    Rose Mountain Farm is able to make this early repayment thanks to their success in promoting their prepaid farm share boxes at the local food co-op. Ann has indicated that she's had a great response from her local community. She is gearing up to plant produce in the tunnel shortly and is looking forward to a wonderful growing season this coming year. While Hurricane Helene was devastating to her local community, it has allowed everyone to see their resilience and come back stronger, together.

    Ann cannot thank the Steward community enough for your support, and she looks forward to continuing to serve her community in Lansing, North Carolina.

    -The Steward Team

  • July 08, 2021


    Good morning to all from Rose Mountain Farm,
    I am in full swing with tunnels in place and new beds fully planted. My second season CSA starts Friday. I feel like the luckiest farmer ever. Your support and that I have gotten rain almost weekly. The water storage tank has been a true necessity in between mountain showers. The first tomatoes are going to market Friday and the first delivery to Pie on the Mountain is scheduled Wednesday. My anchor restaurant.
    The strawberry field has been a much biger challenge than I expected. Racoons and groundhogs like strawberries too! No needto elaborate on that is going for them. Snicker.
    I am ordering more seeds and planting heavily at the end of August. The tunnels will be full for winter greens and root crops.
    I am accruing a small nest egg for winter payments in the event of some crop failures. Thanks to my awesome tomato crop.
    A great big thank you again!

  • March 25, 2021

    Super Excited

    This process to fund my expansion has been smooth and quick. I am honored with the trust you all have in my project. I am looking forward to this season and the new opportunity that awaits. I do not have the words that express my gratitude. Onward!
    Ann Rose

  • March 19, 2021

    Getting One Foot In Front Of Another!

    A big shout out to those of you who have gotten the ball rolling for me and this project. I am super excited to see how this year plays out here in Appalachia!

This loan will be made to Rose Mountain Farm LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, who produces vegetables and pasture-raised pork for their community.

This loan will be used to add terracing and caterpillar tunnels to the farm as well as pay for other 2021 expenses. This will expand the production area and extend the growing season.

The total loan amount is $20,000  which will assist Rose Mountain Farm in growing and expanding their business.

This loan is set at an 8% interest rate, with a 60-month term, and fully amortized monthly payments beginning in 3 months after funds are disbursed.

Greenhouse - $800: paying down the final amount on the greenhouse.

Caterpillar Tunnels - $5000: 14x100 pro x 4/ 4doors

Farm Supplies - $2290: one time farm-tools purchase

Seasonal Farm Labor- $1200: paid at $13/hr

Packaging Supplies - $3000: picking totes and produce packaging for sale

Terracing - $3500: bulldozer operator doing this work in the spring of 2021

Built-in Winter Savings- $4,000: accounting for lower sales in the winter months

Total Budget- $19,790

Borrower Loan Agreement Download
Lender Participation Agreement Download

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