Lending Successful

Fencing & Caterpillar Tunnel Purchase

by Woodland Valley Farms
Fencing & Caterpillar Tunnel Purchase

Proud to be called a small farm, Woodland Valley raises pasture raised meats, eggs, and naturally grown vegetables on regenerative farming systems.

Project Summary
  • Location: Jackson, SC
  • Products: Fruit & Vegetable Livestock Poultry
  • Loan Term: 60 months
  • Interest Rate: 8.00% APR
  • Repayments Begin: 3 months after disbursement
100% of $50,000

Funded on 12/11/2020


Chase and Alyssa, owners of Woodland Valley Farms, pride themselves on having the most bio-diverse agriculture system in the state, all while maintaining their roots in permaculture, organic practices and humane animal husbandry. During COVID-19, they switched their business model from being farmers market-centric to almost entirely dependent on a 40 family CSA. Every week, they send out a fresh package to each member including a variety of farm-grown foods.

Use of Funds

Headed into year five with strong sales, Woodland Valley Farms sees this as an opportunity to take the business and continue to scale it. In order to do so, they will need additional fencing,  caterpillar tunnels, and other supplies. Additionally, they will use a portion of their loan to pay off outstanding debt and free up their resources for other improvements to the farm and the land. 

Regenerative & Sustainable Practices

Woodland Valley Farms focuses on a systems based approach to farming where they integrate animals, plants, and fungi. They treat all of their animals with the highest humane standards possible and don't use any toxic chemicals on their vegetables or meats. While the farm is not certified organic, it surpasses the typical organic farms in their cultivation methods.  Owner and farm manager Chase Renninger has a B.S. in Agroecology and is dedicated to their mission of farming and land restoration. 

They currently raise 200 heritage hogs a year and rotate them intensively throughout the 80 acres of scrub forest and vegetation. They help disturb the soil and allow them to seed beneficial species of grasses that help improve grazing for their ruminants. They maintain their open-air barn by utilizing chickens, which help keep the barn “clean” and free of vermin, flies, and other pests.

Steward Comments

Alyssa and Chase have a successful business with a diverse portfolio of sustainable foods. They adapted their business to the changes that COVID brought and are going full steam ahead. This is exactly the type of farm Steward likes to partner with and we're excited to have them join our community.

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Loan Agreement Download

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