Regenerative Capital

Feed & Chick Purchase For Holistic Agroforestry Farms

by Tree-Range Farms
Feed & Chick Purchase For Holistic Agroforestry Farms

This loan will provide Tree-Range Farms with the capital required to purchase chicks and feed for the 2024 season.

Project Summary
  • Location: Northfield, MN
  • Products: Fruit & Vegetable Poultry Perennial Crops
  • Loan Amount: $200,000
  • Loan Term: 12 months
  • Net Interest Rate: 8.00% APR
  • Repayments Begin: 1 month after disbursement


Tree-Range Farms is a collection of farmers in the upper midwest that have been trained in raising chickens in a regenerative agroforestry model, designed by first-generation Latin American immigrants under the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance.

Tree-Range Farms is part of a holistic and contextual social, economic, and ecological system that has been designed to bring poultry back into its natural environment—under the tree canopy—in such a way that the system produces health and abundance for the land, the animals, the crops, the farmers, the workers, and those who eat the food.

Tree-Range’s farmers produce high-quality chicken “with everything it needs, and nothing it doesn’t” as well as native perennial and annual crops that are best-suited to align with the natural behavior of chickens and meet the economic and ecological needs of the region in which they’re grown. For example, hazelnuts, elderberries, and garlic are some additional crops grown in some of Tree-Range’s farms.

By focusing on a regional scale and contextual design, Tree-Range is able to optimize the processes of energy transformation—from sunlight to cellulose to animals to food and waste and so on—occurring across the region to produce maximum benefits for all stakeholders in the system—humans, animals, plants, and otherwise.

This enterprise is so much more than “raising chickens under the trees.” Tree-Range is building a model for a regenerative food system for the future that accounts for the needs and well-being of all the people and creatures that depend on it. Tree-Range is an inspiring project built by inspiring people. We are proud to support Tree-Range and their farmers.

Use of Funds

This loan will be used by Tree-Range Farms to purchase the chicks and feed required by the Tree-Range farmers to grow their flocks over the 2024 growing season.

Regenerative & Sustainable Practices

Tree-Range Farms is building agroforestry ecosystems—using native and contextually-appropriate plants and animals—to restore and optimize the natural cycles of the land. The practices used on each farm will vary as each farm’s context is different, but each Tree-Range farm employs at least the following practices:

  • Perennial crop production;

  • No-till or low-till;

  • Rotational grazing;

  • Composting & waste management;

  • No herbicides or pesticides ever;

  • Native crop production;

  • Forest creation/restoration;

  • Chickens live in their natural habitat that mimics their original jungle habitat and food production methods in Central and South American communities;

  • The chickens eliminate the need for synthetic fertilizers. Chickens forage in paddocks during the day and are provided sprouted grains as additional feed, manure serves as fertilizer for the agroforestry crops;

  • The multi-species canopy forest & ground forage also provide a protective habitat for birds and pollinators;

  • Chickens live in small flocks, fostering healthy behavior and happy birds;

  • Agroforestry integration builds biodiversity and increases soil health;

  • Economically feasible for small independent farmers and supply chain workers:

    • Farmers get upfront financing from Tree-Range for chicks and feed;

    • Farmers are paid above market rates per bird and have the option to sign 1 or 3 yr contracts;

    • System design reduces on-farm labor;

    • Processing facility owned by a non-profit partner where workers are paid above minimum wage and working towards a worker collective.

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