My Background:
I over fifteen (15) years of Agricultural background and broad experience in related services . I am also the Founder and CEO of A New Day Foundation based in the USA and registered under EIN # 27-0594348 Website:
Our goal is to generate some income for any investor/s and the organization. We hope to recycle a portion of the profits to help the underprivileged community facing challenges like:
a) Unemployment,
b) Poverty
c) Illiteracy
d) Teen pregnancies
e) Reduction of urban Migrations
Operational Strategy :
We shall adopt a combination of RANCH STYLE and SEMI-INTENSIVE methods from farrow to finish in a Natural environment. Consequently, we would be able to promote the benefits of Organic meat as our Niche market.
Production Goals:
We anticipate performances like:
a) Production rate of two(2) per sow
b) Average Litter Size of eleven (11)
c) Average weaning size of nine (9)
d) Average finishing size of eight and half (8.5) at a Market weight of about two hundred (200) pounds
Future Plans:
As the operation matures significantly in capacity, a modest MEAT PROCESSING facility could be under consideration
We shall introduce BIODIGESTER TECHNOLOGIES to address waste management concerns. The process will also allow the ability to generate METHANE GAS as s source of RENEWABLE ENERGY.
The Organic Fertilizer and other by-products of the farm could also be applied towards an organic vegetable cultivation. This could be supplementary source of income and offer long term sustainability .
SOLAR- POWERED water pumps, will be installed to convey drnking water into overhead storage reservoirs for distribution .
Funding Request:
We estimate a capital layout between eighty (80) to one hundred (100) thousand US dollars for the first three years. This initial investment could put the operation on a good footing. Some of the items to purchase shall include:
1) The initial breeding Stock of ten (10) gilts and one(1) boar
2) Proper housing and fencing
3) Site preparations
4) Light machinery
5) Feed and feeding equipment (70% of budget)
6) Labor cost
We expect a Return On investment (ROI) to be within three (3) years under optimum conditions.